We think you'll be pleased with what you find here at SFR Beats.
Since 2003 now, SFR Beats customers have enjoyed unlimited rights on both leases (nonexclusive) and exclusive beats. One detail about SFR Beats that helps avoid those legal issues you mention is SFR keep beats for lease separate from beats for exclusive rights. So customers that lease beats don't ever have to worry about someone else buying exclusive rights to that beat., and customers buy exclusive rights to beats that have never been leased before. Both lease and exclusive rights last forever and holders also keep 100% of their royalties.. NOTHING is owed after paying the one-time fees. SFR Beats does not require splitting any earnings as SFR Beats is a royalty-free business. All licenses are "perpetual", meaning they're valid in every part of the world, for virtually any kind of use.
A lot of artists think copyright ownership automatically alleviates earnings or licensing issues. It does not. It's all about the contract you get. And here is the contract you get with every SFR Beats purchase - https://sfrbeats.com/samples/SFRBEATS_Contract_Sample.pdf
The lease contract is the same, except "nonexclusive".
Other notes... leases remain on the site, and exclusive purchases are removed from the site. Your distributors may contact us anytime they need answers. Any questions, let us know.
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