"Exclusive Rent' is no longer offered at SFR Beats but if you still rent an exclusive beat from our previous platform, you may need to contact us so we can cancel it for you (check first under your orders page https://sfrbeats.com/orders , expand the beat, and click "Active License" at the top right to see if the 'cancel' link appears). Then you can go to the beat from the website as normal, add it to your cart checkout. Keep in mind you do have to be an Exclusive Member to be able to purchase exclusive beats. That way you'll own the rights and will not be paying anything monthly!
If you are not the one renting the beats, you'll have to wait an indefinite time for the current renter to release the track. For privacy reasons, we cannot disclose who is renting / locking a track. Other options are to make a request for a similar beat to be uploaded, or get custom production made. Contact us with this regard.
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