We allow all of our customers to try out our beats by downloading the free low-quality mp3 for privately writing too / comping in videos. You just have to be signed in (https://sfrbeats.com/signup). Then once you're ready to post or publish it (online video, social media, Soundcloud,YouTube, Spotify, etc..) you'll need to buy a license so you'll be protected. As a company with 8 employed producers and several hired personnel, we offer full service licensing to our clients allowing them to profit royalty-free from everything they do... including getting music / movie placements and even Netflix placements.
The lease would be a favorable option for lower budgets allowing you to do the above plus use for your project. Prices and available beats are here - https://sfrbeats.com/beats?licenses=lease-rights - Instantly after your purchase, you receive a signed contract granting your rights to use the instrumentals (many media distribution companies like YouTube and Netflix require a copy of your agreement as proof of your rights). Plus you'll receive the highest quality audio files - both mp3 and optional 24-bit studio quality WAV files. Let us know if you have any other questions by contacting us or searching our help center here! Thanks!
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